Hercules Question Preview (ID: 59031)

Labors Of Hercules. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What was Hercules' last labor?
a) He had to bind Hera
b) He had to fetch Phoenix feathers to make Eurystheus immortal.
c) He had to fetch the hellhound Cerberus
d) He had to kill six serial killers on the way to Athens.

How did Hercules get Atlas to fetch the golden apples for him.
a) He held up the sky for him.
b) He got him the red cattle from Hyperion
c) He broke the chains binding him.
d) He whispered the answer to this quiz.

What did Hercules have to do to kill the half giant Antaeus?
a) Set him on fire so he could not regenerate
b) Steal the magic girdle that made him invulnerable
c) Hold up a polished shield so that he saw how ugly he was and fainted.
d) Lift him off his feet to sever his connection to the earth

What made the Old Man of the sea dangerous?
a) He could summon floods
b) His blood was poison
c) He could change shape.
d) He commanded water dragons

How did the fire breathing giant Cacas, try to trick Hercules to steal the red cattle?
a) He drugged Hercules wine so he would fall asleep
b) He branded the cattle with his own brand
c) He dragged them backwards by their tails to mess up the tracks.
d) He lured Hercules into a cave and tried to seal him there.

Which labor was designed to humiliate Hercules?
a) Had to cross dress to spy on Artemis
b) Fetching wine for Dionysus
c) Being a water boy for Hera
d) Cleaning stables for Augeus

What did Hercules steal from the giant Geryon?
a) His two headed dog, Orthus.
b) Red cattle
c) A golden apple
d) A girdle

Why did Hercules think Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons had betrayed him?
a) Hera disguised herself as an Amazon and stirred up trouble.
b) She wouldn't give him the girdle that he needed for a quest.
c) She killed his nephew, Iolas.
d) She rejected him because the Amazons hated men.

How did King Diomedes train his horses to be ferocious
a) He abused them horribly
b) He fed them human flesh
c) He gave them poison apples that drove them insane over time.
d) He made them do research papers

How did Hercules help his good friend, King Admetus
a) He killed the brother who had claimed Admetus' throne
b) He cleaned his stables by diverting two rivers
c) He wrestled with death when it came to fetch Admetus' wife.
d) He moved a giant boulder that was imprisoning him in the land of the dead.

How did Hercules kill the Stymphalian birds that could shoot their feathers like arrows and were stealing fruits
a) He drove them out of their hiding places banging two huge shields together
b) He drove them out of their places by singing a song loudly off key
c) He drove them out of their hiding places by not bathing for a year.
d) He deflected the arrows with two giant shields

How did Hercules capture the lightning fast Erymanthian boar that had sharp tusks?
a) He chased after it for a year until it tired itself out
b) He set up a snare trap
c) He led it into heavy snow where it couldn't run as fast
d) He used poisoned arrows

How did Hera try to kill Hercules when he was a baby
a) By sending two snakes into his nursery
b) By poisoning his milk
c) By setting his house on fire
d) With kindness

What did Hercules do when Hera drove him mad?
a) Rejected Zeus, his father
b) Killed his own children
c) Abused his wife
d) Killed the king of his country, Eurystheus

How did Hercules kill the Lion with metal hard skin?
a) He poisoned it
b) He damaged its brains by beating it with a club
c) He choked it to death
d) He taught grammar to it.

How did Hercules kill a hydra who kept growing new heads whenever he cut one off?
a) He tied its heads in a knot so that it choked to death
b) He shot blazing arrows at it.
c) He tricked the heads into fighting each other so that the hydra ate itself.
d) His nephew set the necks on fire whenever Hercules cut a head off.

What weapon did Hercules make from the hydra?
a) Arrows poisoned with it's blood.
b) A sharp dagger from one of its fangs.
c) A shield made from its scales
d) A whip made from its tail.

How did Hercules catch a sacred deer that was much faster than him
a) He threw a net over it from a distance
b) He chased it for a year until it tired out
c) He wounded it's leg with an arrow first
d) set up a snare trap

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