Evolution Question Preview (ID: 59001)

Glencoe Ch 29. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Type of body structure that no longer serves a purpose
a) homologous structure
b) analogous structure
c) vestigial structure

Body structures that have a similar form but different functions
a) homologous structure
b) analogous structure
c) vestigial structure

Who developed the Theory of Acquired Characteristics?
a) Lyell
b) Lamark
c) Darwin
d) Mendel

The most important advantage an adaptation gives a living thing is to help it survive in order that it may
a) grow
b) eat
c) develop
d) reproduce

This model of evolution shows a slow change from one species into another.
a) gradualism
b) punctuated equilibrium
c) disruptive selection
d) extreme selection

This type of evolution occurs when distant relatives evolve similar traits.
a) adaptive radiation
b) divergent evolution
c) convergent evolution

This name means “southern ape”
a) Homo sapien
b) Homo habilis
c) Neanderthal
d) Australopithecus

On what ship did Charles Darwin sail?
a) H.M.S. Pinta
b) H.M.S. Beagle
c) U.S.S. Montana
d) U.S.S. Mayflower

The study of the development of the earliest stages of a life form is called
a) archeology
b) geology
c) embryology
d) ichthyology

The appearance of an inherited trait that makes an individual different from other members of the same species is a
a) birth defect
b) variation
c) mutation
d) struggle

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