Adverbs-How, Where, Or When Question Preview (ID: 59000)

The Students Are Reviewing Adverbs (Parts Of Speech). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Henry can run faster than his friend Jack.
a) how
b) when
c) where
d) why

That young man comes early to work early.
a) how
b) when
c) where
d) Why

Irene and her sister Layla are playing outside
a) How
b) When
c) Why
d) Where

As he was sick, Ben he wrote his assignment slowly
a) Where
b) How
c) Why
d) when

Please park your car here
a) Where
b) How
c) When
d) Why

The mailman delivered the mail yesterday.
a) How
b) Where
c) When
d) Why

She said that she will return the book later.
a) When
b) Where
c) How
d) Why

The cat lazily stretched its paws
a) When
b) Where
c) How
d) Why

The toys are scattered everywhere.
a) Where
b) When
c) How
d) why

Joanne will visit her grandmom tomorrow
a) How
b) Where
c) When
d) Why

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