Unit 7 Ecosystems Question Preview (ID: 58995)

Vocabulary For Ecosystems. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

All the biotic and abiotic things interacting together to support life.
a) Biotic
b) Interaction
c) Abiotic
d) Ecosystem

Living things
a) Individual
b) Abiotic
c) Biotic
d) Niche

Nonliving things
a) Biotic
b) Niche
c) Abiotic
d) Dead

living and nonliving things that have an affect on each other
a) ecosystem
b) biome
c) interaction
d) community

where an animal lives. It's home.
a) Niche
b) Habitat
c) Biome
d) House

A large region of Earth that has a certain climate and certain living things.
a) Habitat
b) Biome
c) Country
d) Continent

A single organism in an environment
a) Community
b) Individual
c) Population
d) Habitat

a) A single organism in an environment
b) All the individuals of the same kind living in the same area.
c) The different kinds of living organisms living in an ecosystem.
d) The plains.

a) All the individuals of the same kind living in the same area.
b) A single organism in an environment.
c) Giraffes.
d) The different kinds of living organisms living in an ecosystem.

Energy that is passed from one organism to another.
a) Flow of Energy
b) Transfer of Energy
c) Ecosystem
d) Energy

An organisms role (job) in the food chain
a) niche
b) producer
c) consumer
d) decomposer

An organism that uses the sun's energy to produce its own food
a) decomposer
b) consumer
c) producer
d) scavenger

Organism that gets its energy by eating food
a) consumer
b) producer
c) decomposer
d) scavenger

An organism that gets its energy from breaking down dead plants and animals
a) producer
b) consumer
c) decomposer
d) scavenger

Consumer that eats plants and animals
a) Scavenger
b) Herbivore
c) Carnivore
d) Omnivore

Consumer that eats only other animals (meat eaters)
a) Herbivore
b) Omnivore
c) Carnivore
d) Consumer

Consumer that gets its energy from only plants
a) Consumer
b) Herbivore
c) Omnivore
d) Carnivore

A consumer that eats carrion (the remains of other animals)
a) Herbivore
b) Omnivore
c) Carnivore
d) Scavenger

A diagram that shows how organisms get their energy to survive
a) Food Web
b) Flow of Energy
c) Food Chain
d) Transfer of Energy

A series of food chains that represents what eats what in an ecosystem
a) Food Chain
b) Flow of Energy
c) Transfer of Energy
d) Food Web

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