Unit 9 Exam Question Preview (ID: 58979)

Chapter 16 And 17. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What issue were The Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, and Kansas-Nebraska Act all trying to resolve?
a) industrialization
b) slavery in new states
c) cotton production

What does secede mean?
a) to break away
b) a fugitive
c) to end slavery

What is known as the first attack of the Civil War?
a) Fort Sumter
b) Lexington and Concord
c) Battle of New Orleans

What was the central issue behind the women’s rights movement?
a) suffrage
b) jobs
c) right to divorce

What impact did Uncle Tom’s Cabin have?
a) It ended slavery
b) it made the slave trade popular again
c) it exposed the public to the cruelty of slavery

Abolitionist who was also the editor for the North Star Newspaper.
a) Harriet Beecher Stowe
b) Harriet Tubman
c) Frederick Douglass

What reason did southern states use to secede from the Union
a) states' rights
b) slavery
c) Missouri compromise

What was the reason behind the Temperance Movement?
a) to eliminate the drinking of alcohol
b) to celebrate alcohol
c) prison refrom

Where did the first women's rights movement take place?
a) Los Angeles
b) Boston
c) NYC
d) Seneca Falls

Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau were part of which reform movement?
a) temperance
b) women's rights
c) education
d) transcendentalism

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