Medical Root Words Question Preview (ID: 58963)

Identifying Medical Root Words. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following root word means nerve?
a) neuro
b) cardi
c) gastro
d) pharm

Which root word means cancer?
a) carcin
b) neuro
c) cardi
d) gastro

Which of the following means mouth?
a) or
b) my
c) audio
d) cardi

Which root word means hearing
a) audio
b) optic
c) encephal
d) cardi

Which of the following foot word means sight?
a) optic
b) shin
c) audio
d) or

which root word means nose?
a) rhin
b) optic
c) audio
d) or

which root word means lungs?
a) pulmon
b) cardi
c) encephal
d) osteo

which root word means bones?
a) osteo
b) hemat
c) pulmon
d) cardi

Which root word means muscle?
a) my
b) or
c) gastro
d) derm

which root word means blood?
a) hemat
b) encephal
c) cardi
d) optic

Which root word means stomach?
a) gastro
b) derm
c) my
d) path

Which root word means the brain?
a) encephal
b) gastro
c) pulmon
d) cardi

Which root word refers to skin?
a) derm
b) gastro
c) neuro
d) optic

Which root word refers to the heart?
a) cardi
b) pulmon
c) gastro
d) derm

Which of the following root word means disease?
a) path
b) carcin
c) gastro
d) audio

Which of the following root word means drugs and medication?
a) pharm
b) neuro
c) cardi
d) audio

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