Vascular/Non Vascular Question Preview (ID: 58931)
Plant Classification.
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Which are there more of?
a) vascular plants
b) nonvascular plants
What kind of tissue transports water from the roots to the rest of the plant?
a) xylem
b) phloem
c) chlorophyll
d) cambium
What two groups can all plants be grouped into?
a) vascular and nonvascular
b) vertebrates and invertebrates
c) flowering and cone-bearing
d) woody stems and soft stems
What do vascular plants have that nonvascular plants do not have?
a) tubelike structures to transport food and water
b) chlorophyll
c) chloroplasts
d) stomata
What is true about vascular plants?
a) They have true roots, stems, and leaves.
b) They only grow in moist environments.
c) They are very small and grow low to the ground.
d) They transport nutrients from cell to cell.
What does phloem do?
a) transports water from the roots to the rest of the plant.
b) transports food from the leaves to the rest of the plant
What is true about nonvascular plants?
a) They do not have true roots, stems, and leaves.
b) They have true roots, stems, and leaves.
c) They are in the kingdom Fungi.
d) They have true roots, stems, and leaves.
How do nonvascular plants transport food?
a) from cell to cell
b) through phloem
c) through xylem
What is an example of a nonvascular plant?
a) moss
b) grass
c) a mushroom
d) a tree
How do plants get food?
a) They make their own food.
b) They absorb it from dead or decaying organisms.
c) They capture and ingest it.
d) They order pizza from Domino's.
What do we call the process by which plants make their own food?
a) photosynthesis
b) respiration
c) ingestion
d) transpiration
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