Texas History - Unit 9- Review Game 1 Question Preview (ID: 58888)

Prosperity And The Great Depression. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The federal government created the _____ _____ Commission to oversee railroads and, in the same act, outlawed pooling.
a) Interstate Commerce
b) Texas Railroad
c) Anti Pooling
d) Democratic Party

The _____ movement encouraged people to drink less alcohol.
a) ratification
b) competition
c) progressive
d) temperance

The manufacture and sale of alcohol was made illegal in the United States following the ratification of the __________ Amendment.
a) Sixteenth
b) Seventeenth
c) Eighteenth
d) First

In 1905 the Texas legislature passed the _____ Election Law, which established primary elections for all local and state offices.
a) Grange
b) Blanton
c) Interstate
d) Terrell

After the election of 1890, the new governor pushed for laws, which came to be called _____ _____, to regulate business in Texas.
a) Second Amendment
b) Interstate Commerce
c) Hogg Laws
d) Antitrust Laws

Elected attorney general in 1886, _____ _____ _____ brought lawsuits against railroads and insurance companies for illegal and anti-competitive activities.
a) Annie Webb Blanton
b) William Jennings Bryan
c) James Stephen Hogg
d) William Sydney Porter

In 1877, former Grange members formed the Southern _____ _____, which was a more politically active organization.
a) Petticoat Lobby
b) People's Party
c) Farmer's Alliance
d) Populist Party

The _____ _____ gave women the right to vote in the United States.
a) Nineteenth Amendment
b) Eighteenth Amendment
c) Seventeenth Amendment
d) First Amendment

Which of the following is a plan of government where a panel of elected commissioners is in charge of city services?
a) Petticoat Lobby
b) commission plan
c) merchants
d) People's Party

Which of the following were reformers in the late 1800s and early 1900s who worked to improve society?
a) cooperatives
b) trusts
c) progressives
d) patrons

Which of the following means the banning of alcoholic beverages?
a) merchants
b) prohibition
c) competition
d) pooling

Which of the following were members of the People's Party?
a) Populists
b) Grange
c) Petticoat Lobby
d) Patrons of Husbandry

Which of the following are legal arrangements in which a number of companies are grouped under a single board of trustees?
a) trusts
b) commission plan
c) merchants
d) progressives

Which of the following means sole control of a field of business?
a) pooling
b) prohibition
c) trust
d) monopoly

Which of the following means businesses owned and operated for the benefit of an organization's members?
a) monopoly
b) trusts
c) cooperative stores
d) progressives

Which of the following is a statement of political goals of a political party?
a) trust
b) merchant
c) commission
d) platform

Which of the following was an organization of farmers created in the 1860s, also known as the Patrons of Husbandry?
a) Petticoat Lobby
b) Populists
c) Grange
d) People's Party

Which of the following terms means combining efforts by companies to prevent competition in an industry?
a) monopoly
b) pooling
c) progressives
d) prohibition

The first woman elected to state office in Texas was _____ _____ _____, superintendent of public instruction.
a) Elisabet Ney
b) Annie Webb Blanton
c) Susan B. Anthony
d) Miriam A. Ferguson

The _____ _____, begun in 1902, made it difficult for many poor Texans to vote.
a) election laws
b) poll tax
c) stamp act
d) suffrage act

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