CARS Quarter 3 Word Wall Quiz Review Question Preview (ID: 58878)

Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The interior of the church shows work of a(n) _____ character usually described as early Norman.
a) obtuse
b) rectilinear
c) archaic
d) aristocratic

The town is laid out on a(n) _____ grid pattern.
a) rectilinear
b) obtuse
c) hypothetical
d) archaic

During his sermon, the minister asked his clergy members to practice the _____ of hate even their worst enemies.
a) directrix
b) antithesis
c) oblique
d) syntax

Because I do not like the way my sentences read, I am going to ask my teacher to tutor me on _____.
a) directrix
b) rectilinear
c) antithesis
d) syntax

Rather than admit her guilt, the little girl told a(n) _______ story about a boy who had stolen cupcakes.
a) obtuse
b) oblique
c) monarchy
d) hypothetical

The country stopped being a(n) ______ after the peasants revolted against the selfish king and queen.
a) antithesis
b) monarchy
c) directrix
d) rectilinear

Creating a(n)________ painting, the artist used straight strokes to create a modern looking piece.
a) obtuse
b) archaic
c) rectilinear
d) syntax

_______ ladies wore extravagant dresses to the ball at the prince’s castle.
a) obtuse
b) aristocratic
c) hypothetical
d) archaic

The dashed blue line is the _____ of the ellipse shown.
a) directrix
b) obtuse
c) rectilinear
d) oblique

To avoid worrying his wife, the man made a(n) ______ statement about the seriousness of his medical condition.
a) archaic
b) oblique
c) syntax
d) aristocratic

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