Adaptations Question Preview (ID: 58875)

Natural Selection. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

differences in traits (in the same species)
a) genetic variation
b) uniform offspring
c) overproduction
d) struggle to survive

A mistake made when DNA copies itself may result in a new trait (good, bad, or neutral).
a) mutation
b) camoflauge
c) migration
d) hybridization

Laying way more eggs that can survive on the resources in an environment
a) overpopulation
b) overproduction
c) reproduction
d) mass production

Traits that help organisms survive long enough to reproduce are
a) adaptations
b) recessive genes
c) dominant traits
d) chromosomes

You can tell what food a bird eats mainly by
a) the size of its feet
b) the color of its feathers
c) the sound of its song
d) the shape of its beak

Plants bend toward light
a) geotropism (also called gravitropism)
b) phototropism
c) turgor pressure
d) xylem tissue

A seedlings response to gravity makes roots grow down and stems grow up. This is
a) geotropism (also called gravitropism)
b) phototropism
c) turgor pressure
d) xylem tissue

Plants wilting and drooping is an internal stimulus caused by
a) lack of (not enough) turgor pressure
b) too much sunlight
c) not enough sunlight
d) too much water

a) allow fish to use oxygen that is dissolved in water
b) allow the fish to use the oxygen in the air
c) break down water into hydrogen and carbon dioxide
d) let fish breathe oxygen in both the water and in air

HOLLOW BONES keep birds light enough to fly. This is an
a) external feature
b) internal adaptation
c) behavioral adaptation
d) example of bioluminescence

Xylem tissue
a) transports water and minerals from the soil, so plants can grow tall
b) transports sugar and minerals from the plant down into the soil
c) exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide between the plant and atmosphere
d) collects sunlight needed for photosynthesis.

An example of genetic variation within a species
a) prey animals that hurt themselves while escaping predators
b) slight difference in the fur color the were born with
c) identical homes or habitats
d) some animals get eaten

Organisms get eaten. This is an example of
a) the struggle to survive
b) overproduction
c) genetic variation
d) successful reproduction

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