Unit 8 Exam Review Question Preview (ID: 58873)

Unit 8 Exam Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What innovation allowed people the ability to communicate across the country in the 1840’s?
a) morse code
b) telephone
c) telegraph

What two groups of immigrants were responsible for building many of the railroads that connected the East and Western parts of the US?
a) irish and german
b) irish and chinese
c) irish and japanese

What effect did workers moving closer to manufacturing centers have on communities?
a) encouraged urbanization
b) people lost their jobs
c) increase in crime

The rapid growth of technological innovations such as the steam locomotive, interchangeable parts, Bessemer process, telegraph, etc. were responsible for what event in U.S. history?
a) Encourage urbanization
b) industrial revolution
c) agricultural revolution

What caused the soil in the South to become exhausted and depleted of its nutrients
a) tobacco
b) wheat
c) cotton

Commercial markets expanded in the North and Midwest due to
a) railroads
b) canals
c) steamboats

Who was Harriet Tubman?
a) civil rights activist
b) conductor of the underground railroad
c) led a unsuccessful slave rebellion

What invention increased the demand for slaves in the South?
a) thresher
b) steel plow
c) cotton gin

Abolitionist leader that published the North Star
a) Harriet Tubman
b) Frederick Douglass
c) Nat Turner

What part of the country became the leader in cotton production?
a) the west
b) the north
c) the south

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