Global Studies Unit 5 Summative Question Preview (ID: 58865)

Buddhism And Hinduism. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A belief in many gods is
a) monotheistic
b) polytheistic
c) tritheistic
d) manytheistic

The Hindu god of considered the creator of the world
a) Shiva
b) Buddha
c) Brahma
d) Vishnu

A Hindu god considered the protector of the world
a) Brahma
b) Shiva
c) Ashoka
d) Vishnu

A Hindu god considered the destroyer of the world
a) Shiva
b) Vishnu
c) Brahma
d) Buddha

The prince who is said to have founded Buddhism.
a) Siddhartha Gautama
b) Ashoka
c) Brahma
d) Vishnu

A set of strict social groups that decide a person's job, and his or her place in society
a) The Four Noble Truths
b) Karma
c) The Eightfold Path
d) The Caste System

Which of the following was not one of the ways Buddhism spread?
a) Ashoka the Great
b) Mechants on the Silk Road
c) Across the Islamic trade routes to Africa
d) From China to Southeast Asia then Japan

Which of the following is not a difference between Hinduism and Buddhism
a) Hinduism's faith is polytheistic, in Buddhism an individual can achieve enlightenment
b) Hinduism started in India, Buddhism in China
c) Buddhists rejected the caste system
d) Anyone in Buddhism can achieve enlightment and break the reincarnation cycle anytime

The belief that actions in this life, whether good or bad, will decide your place in the next life.
a) Reincarnation
b) Four Noble Truths
c) Karma
d) Caste System

The process by which a soul is reborn continuously until it achieves perfect understanding
a) Karma
b) Reincarnation
c) The Eightfold Path
d) The Caste System

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