Maya Civilization Spelling Words Question Preview (ID: 58831)

Defining Spelling Words. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which word means the number of people living in a particular place?
a) population
b) pyramid
c) empire
d) indigenous

Which word means relating to the tropics, an area near the Equator where the weather is very warm?
a) tropical
b) civilization
c) rainforest
d) temple

Which word means a large structure with a square base and four triangular sides that form a point at the top?
a) empire
b) pyramid
c) temple
d) monument

Which word means a large territory or group of people under the control of one ruler or government?
a) rainforest
b) monument
c) empire
d) population

Which word means a piece of land almost entirely surrounded by water that is attached to a larger land?
a) pyramid
b) civilization
c) peninsula
d) indigenous

Which word means a group of people living together in a well-organized way?
a) civilization
b) empire
c) tropical
d) monument

Which word means a tropical wooded area with very tall trees that gets a lot of rain?
a) rainforest
b) tropical
c) population
d) temple

Which word means produced, living, or existing naturally in a particular area?
a) temple
b) rainforest
c) indigenous
d) population

Which word means a buiding devoted to religious worship?
a) temple
b) monument
c) empire
d) pyramid

Which word means a building or statue that honors a person or an event?
a) civilization
b) empire
c) pyramid
d) monument

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