3 Branches Of Government Question Preview (ID: 58772)

3 Branches Of Government. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which branch operates from the Supreme Court
a) Judicial Branch
b) Legislative Branch
c) Executive Branch

Which branch operates from the White House?
a) Judicial Branch
b) Executive Branch
c) Legislative Branch

Which branch operates from the Capitol Building?
a) Judicial Branch
b) Legislative Branch
c) Executive Branch

Which branch makes the laws?
a) Judicial
b) Legislative
c) Executive

Which branch enforces the laws and puts them into action?
a) Judicial
b) Legislative
c) Executive

Which branch decides if the laws are constitutional?
a) Judicial
b) Legislative
c) Executive

Who works in the Executive Branch?
a) President, Vice President, Cabinet
b) Supreme Court Justices
c) Senators and Congressman

Who works in the Judicial Branch?
a) President, Vice President, Cabinet
b) Supreme Court Justices
c) Senators and Congressman

Who works in the Legislative Branch?
a) President, Vice President, Cabinet
b) Supreme Court Justices
c) Senators and Congressman

What is the system called in which all the branches have shared powers?
a) Checks and Balances
b) Checks and Power
c) Checks of Branches

Why do we have a system of Checks and Balances?
a) Because the Articles of Confederation failed
b) To make sure each branch does not have too much power
c) To keep track of how much money the government spends

Before the U.S. Constitution, the Articles of Confederation had one branch, which was it:
a) Legislative
b) Judicial
c) Executive

What does popular sovereignty mean?
a) A government run by population
b) The people have the power
c) Who ever is most popular will rule

The amount of Congressman in the House of Representatives is base on....
a) each state gets 2 representatives
b) how many years the state has been an official state under the Constitution
c) on the population of each state

Congress is made up of two chambers:
a) Senate and Cabinet
b) Capitol and House of Representatives
c) Senate and House of Representatives

Which two group of people work together to create laws in Congress
a) President and Senate
b) Senate and Representatives
c) Representatives and Cabinet

How many Senators does each state get to represent them in Congress?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 6

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