Clothes And Accessories Question Preview (ID: 58759)

Clothes And Accessories. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Lisa se pone los calcetines con sus botas
a) Lisa wears her boots with her coat.
b) Lisa puts on socks with her boots.
c) Lisa doesnt know where her socks are at.
d) Lisa lost her boots and her socks.

Emilio se pone su abrigo cuando sale a la nieve
a) Emilio likes the cold weather.
b) Emilio likes the snow
c) Emilio puts on his coat when he goes out to the snow
d) Emilio puts on his vest when he goes outside.

Ramon se pone su sueter para la escuela.
a) Ramon puts on a jacket on the way to school.
b) Ramon has to wear a jacket to school.
c) Ramon puts on his sweater for school.
d) Ramon needs to wear his sweater for school.

Yo necesito unas gafas del sol.
a) I need some sunglasses.
b) I need some sunblock.
c) I need some suntan.
d) I need to go outside, its so sunny.

Mis aretes son muy bonitos.
a) My sandals are very pretty.
b) My shirt is a bunny.
c) MY bunny is white.
d) My earrings are very pretty.

Chris lleva unos pantalones cortos azules.
a) Chris is wearing a blue tank top.
b) Chris is wearing a blue hat.
c) Chris is wearing a blue jacket.
d) Chris is wearing blue shorts.

Miguel prefiere la sudadera gris.
a) Miguel prefers a gray jacket.
b) Miguel prefers a gray sweater.
c) Miguel prefers a gray coat.
d) Miguel prefers a gray sweatshirt.

A Hudson le gusta su camiseta verde.
a) Hudson likes his green tank top.
b) Hudson likes his green t-shirt.
c) Hudson likes his long-sleeves shirt.
d) Hudson likes his green sweater.

Hunter le gustan los calcetines de Spider-Man.
a) Hunter likes Spider-Man socks.
b) Hunter likes Spider-Man shoes.
c) Hunter likes Spider-Man earrings.
d) Hunter likes Spider-Man wallets.

Mis gafas y mis gorras son negras.
a) My earrings and my bag are black.
b) My sunglasses and my scarf are black.
c) My glasses and my hat are black.
d) My glasses and my shoes are black.

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