Literary Devices Question Preview (ID: 58753)

Reviews Over Theme, Foreshadowing, Mood, Tone, Imagery, Sensory Details, Allusions, Symbols, Motifs, And Irony. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

An image, sound, action that continues to be repeated throughout a text that has symbolic importance is called...
a) symbol
b) allusion
c) irony
d) motif

Aspects, concepts, objects, etc. that mean something more than it is, also explained as a subject being represented by something else. This is called...
a) theme
b) symbol
c) motif
d) irony

An object or situation from an unrelated context(usually literature, movies, etc.) that is referred to within the piece of literature is called...
a) symbol
b) mood
c) allusion
d) foreshadowing

Language that helps create pictures in the reader's mind and appeals to their senses is called...
a) imagery
b) tone
c) allusion
d) motif

The overall feeling a piece of literature portrays through word choice is called...
a) mood
b) theme
c) tone
d) imagery

The way the author expresses their attitude through their writing, where this can change very quickly or remain the same throughout, is called...
a) imagery
b) irony
c) mood
d) tone

When the author provides hints to suggest future events it is called...
a) allusion
b) motif
c) foreshadowing
d) symbol

The lesson learned with a story is called...
a) mood
b) theme
c) tone
d) irony

What irony is being used? The grumpy old man was eating his meal, but he complained the whole time. The waitress being kind, just nodded, however, was left a dollar for a tip. She stated to herself, well what a generous tip!
a) Verbal Irony
b) Situational Irony
c) Dramatic Irony
d) None of the above

What irony is being used? Tom has always enjoyed working with Lucy. Lucy is kind to Tom's face, however find him very annoying. Tom was hit by and truck. Lucy visited the hospital and talked about how she thought he was funny and great to work with.
a) Verbal Irony
b) Situational Irony
c) Dramatic Irony
d) ----

What irony is being used? Chef Kyle is known for his 5 star steak, beef braised duck, ham stuffed sausage links, and meatloaf braided in bacon. However, Chef Kyle would never dream of eating his own dishes, he's a vegan.
a) Verbal Irony
b) Situational Irony
c) Dramatic Irony
d) ----

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