Earth Structure Practice Question Preview (ID: 58750)

Practice The Layers Of Earth. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which layer of Earth is solid and made of metal iron and nickel?
a) inner core
b) outer core
c) crust
d) mantle

What happens to the volume of molecules when they are heated in a convection current?
a) They expand and the density decreases.
b) They contract and the density increases.

Which layer of Earth creates 90% of the planet's heat?
a) inner core
b) outer core
c) mantle
d) crust

Which layer of Earth is made of liquid metals iron and nickel?
a) outer core
b) inner core
c) mantle
d) outer and inner core

Which layer of Earth creates its magnetic field?
a) outer core
b) inner core
c) mantle
d) crust

Which layer of Earth is semi-solid and has convection currents?
a) asthenosphere
b) inner core
c) crust
d) outer core

Continental crust is made of
a) granite
b) basalt
c) iron
d) nickel

Which layers of earth are made of rock?
a) crust and mantle
b) inner and outer core
c) all layers
d) mantle

Which layers of Earth are made of metal?
a) inner and outer core
b) mantle
c) crust and mantle
d) all layers

What layer of Earth are we on?
a) crust
b) inner core
c) outer core
d) mantle

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