Renaissance (2) Question Preview (ID: 58747)

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What was another change in writing during the Renaissance?
a) Wrote in the vernacular or common language
b) Wrote in Latin
c) Wrote in French
d) Use iambic pentameter

Other than the rich, who were also patrons of the arts?
a) Kings and Popes
b) Poor
c) Middle Class
d) Industrial businessmen

Who was the ultimate Renaissance Man?
a) Leonardo da Vinci
b) Cervantes
c) Michelangelo
d) Machiavelli

Who painted the Sistine Chapel?
a) Michelangelo
b) Cervantes
c) Leonardo da Vinci
d) Machiavelli

Who wrote The Prince?
a) Machiavelli
b) Cervantes
c) Michelangelo
d) Leonardo da Vinci

Who wrote Don Quixote?
a) Cervantes
b) Michelangelo
c) Leonardo da Vinci
d) Machiavelli

What story did Dante's Inferno tell?
a) An epic journey through Hell
b) A journey to the Vatican
c) A journey to the New World
d) A journey to Heaven

Why was Leonardo da Vinci's - Last Supper so important
a) Using humanistic ideas, each figure is distinguishable and identifiable
b) It was abstract and dealt with symbolism
c) It was a fresco
d) Just because Leonardo made it

What is humanism?
a) Characters look like real people
b) Characters are drawn abstractly
c) Use of pastels and lighting to highlight ideas
d) Of or being a homo saipen

Why was Chaucer's - Canterbury Tales so important
a) Written in English and told about Medieval Life
b) Written in Latin and only the clergy could read it
c) Written by Martin Luther to protest indulgences
d) A bulletin authored by the Pope telling of the evils related to bathing

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