Prefixes-3rd 9 Weeks Question Preview (ID: 58746)

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Which prefix means above, over, beyond
a) super-
b) anti-
c) intro-
d) fore-

Which prefix means many, much?
a) bene-
b) ante-
c) multi-
d) syn-

Which prefix means in or inward?
a) super-
b) fore-
c) anti-
d) intro-

Which prefix means together or with
a) intro-
b) syn-
c) fore-
d) multi-

Which prefix means bad, badly, abnormal?
a) bene-
b) super-
c) ante-
d) mal-

Which prefix means before?
a) anti-
b) syn-
c) fore-
d) mal-

Which prefix means good or well?
a) mal-
b) fore-
c) bene-
d) syn-

Which prefix means before?
a) bene-
b) pre-
c) mal-
d) multi-

Which two prefixes mean the same thing?
a) syn-, pre-
b) pre-, fore-
c) super-, intro-
d) mal-bene-

Which two prefixes are opposites of each other?
a) syn-, pre-
b) pre-, fore-
c) super-, intro-
d) mal-, bene-

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