Hana's Suitcase Question Preview (ID: 58733)

Questions For Karen Levine's Book, Hana's Suitcase. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the name of Hana's hometown?
a) Prague
b) Nove Mesto
c) Terezin
d) Czechoslovakia

Which person was the first one to be deported?
a) Hana
b) George
c) Dad (Karl)
d) Mom (Marketa)

What does waisenkind mean?
a) Homeless
b) Jewish
c) Female
d) Orphan

The trinkets that mother sent to Hana were made of...
a) Bread
b) Clay
c) Potatoes
d) Pancake mix

What war was occurring during the Holocaust?
a) Korean War
b) World War I
c) World War II
d) Civil War

Which was NOT inside of Hana's suitcase?
a) Zyklon B gas container
b) Child's sweater
c) Child's hairbrush
d) Child's sock and shoe

Who is the person that runs the Tokyo Holocaust Center?
a) George
b) Ludmila
c) Boshka
d) Fumiko

What is the name of group of children that help Fumiko?
a) Small Feet
b) Small Wings
c) Small World
d) Small Hands

What is the name of the Ghetto that Hana and George were sent to first?
a) Terezin
b) Auschwitz
c) Iglau
d) Ravensbruck

What was the concentration camp that Hana and George were both sent to that had gas chambers?
a) Terezin
b) Auschwitz
c) Iglau
d) Ravensbruck

What day did Hana Brady pass away?
a) May 23, 1944
b) December 23, 1944
c) October 23, 1944
d) June 23, 1944

Where did George move to after the war?
a) United States
b) Poland
c) Czechoslovakia
d) Canada

What is Hana's Aunt's name?
a) Aunt Heda
b) Aunt Heather
c) Aunt Hermione
d) Aunt Heleen

What is the name of the man who gave Fumiko George's address?
a) Ludwik Kotouc
b) Marketa Kotouc
c) Kurt Kotouc
d) Sylva Kotouc

What is the name of Hitler's secret police?
a) Gestapo
b) Military Police
c) Commandants
d) Jew Gathers

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