The City Of Ember - Ch. 5 And Ch. 6 Question Preview (ID: 58727)
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with a feeling of regretful longing or desire.
a) wistfully
b) defiant
c) hoisted
d) magnetism
to challenge, resist or fight.
a) reprieve
b) defiant
c) strewn
d) wistfully
to raise something up.
a) ominous
b) relinquish
c) strewn
d) hoisted
a system of parts working together.
a) wistfully
b) hoard
c) mechanism
d) transgression
untidy or scattered
a) apprehensive
b) strewn
c) chortle
d) hoisted
another word for mess
a) strewn
b) mechanism
c) hoisted
d) wistfully
another word for apparatus
a) strewn
b) wistfully
c) condemned
d) mechanism
sentenced to a particular punishment
a) exempt
b) condemned
c) placidly
d) emphatically
to express something clearly
a) reprieve
b) assuage
c) emphatically
d) diminished
another word for insistently
a) understatement
b) serene
c) profound
d) emphatically
this word means to raise something up
a) wistfully
b) hoisted
c) placidly
d) mechanism
someone who breaks the rules is ___________.
a) exempt
b) wistful
c) defiant
d) strewn
the opposite of satisfaction or joy
a) strewn
b) hoard
c) chortle
d) wistful
the opposite of hesitant.
a) apprehensive
b) emphatic
c) dismayed
d) welling
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