Integumentary System Question Preview (ID: 58726)

Briefly Covers Skin Layers, Functions, Glands, Burns, And Cell Types. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which one is not related to thermoregulation?
a) Shivering
b) Panting
c) Sweating
d) Goosebumps (arrector pili muscles react)

What function is responsible for protecting you from bacteria, fungus, and viruses?
a) Thermoregulation
b) Microbial
c) Vitamin D Synthesis
d) Mechanical

What degree burn will not have the ability to regenerate and will require a skin graft?
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 3rd
d) 8th

What gland attach to hair follicles and secrete a oily substance?
a) Sebaceous
b) Eccrine
c) Apocrine
d) Thyroid

Which pigment is responsible for skin color?
a) Hemoglobin
b) Keratin
c) Caroteinoids
d) Melanin

In which layer do keratinocytes start to shrink and contain dendritic cells?
a) S. Spinosum
b) S. Corneum
c) S. Basale
d) S. Granulosum

What layer does keratin starts to fill the cells?
a) S. Basale
b) S. Corneum
c) S. Granulosum
d) S. Lucidum

The subcutaneous/hypodermis is mostly comprised of what types of cells?
a) Water Cells
b) Fat Cells
c) Dendritic Cells
d) Merkel Cells

What type of tissue is the dermis is composed of?
a) connective
b) epithelial
c) adipose
d) cardiac

Which type of cell is responsible for sensing light touches?
a) Merkel Cells
b) Dendritic Cells
c) Keratinocytes
d) T-Cells

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