Road To Revolution Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 58725)

Practice Your Road To Revolution Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

agreement between nations or groups to aid and support one another
a) alliance
b) petition
c) boycott
d) monopoly

an organized campaign to refuse to buy certain products
a) alliance
b) petition
c) boycott
d) monopoly

colonial militia volunteer who was prepared to fight at a minute's notice
a) blockade
b) alliance
c) militia
d) minuteman

company that controls all or nearly all business in a particular industry
a) monopoly
b) alliance
c) militia
d) minuteman

organized body of armed volunteers
a) minuteman
b) alliance
c) militia
d) duty

any product sent from 1 country to another
a) export
b) duty
c) cede
d) repeal

a written request to a government
a) boycott
b) petition
c) repeal
d) blockade

to officially end
a) cede
b) repeal
c) export
d) intolerable

shutting a port or roadway to prevent people or supplies from coming into or leaving an area
a) export
b) monopoly
c) duty
d) blockade

an import tax (taxing something being brought into a country)
a) blockade
b) alliance
c) duty
d) monopoly

can not put up with any more; unbearable
a) cede
b) petition
c) repeal
d) intolerable

to give up; surrender
a) cede
b) repeal
c) export
d) intolerable

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