Social Studies 7 Chapter 5 Question Preview (ID: 58723)

Alberta Social Studies. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Québec became a ____ in 1774 when Britain passed the Québec Act.
a) Country
b) bicultural colony

Maritimes refers to all but one of the following provinces. Which province is not a maritime province?
a) Nova Scotia
b) New Brunswick
c) Prince Edward Island
d) Newfoundland

Fort Louisbourg was built on what is today _
a) Halifax
b) Belleisle
c) Cape Breton Island
d) Grand Pré

Acadia was a centre of conflict between France and Britain because it was an area where supply ships and military ships passed.
a) True
b) False

One of the challenges that the French, British, and First Nations peoples faced was
a) The Great Deportation
b) Acadians
c) coexistence
d) Pontiac

The Mi’kmaq called their homeland _
a) Anishinabe Nation
b) Thirteen Colonies
c) Acadia
d) Mi’kma’ki

is an example from Canada’s past that shows how conflict can draw out prejudices toward other people.
a) Creation
b) Brittain
c) The Great Deportation
d) consequences

Which of the following factors contributed to Britain’s decision to deport the Acadians?
a) The Acadians did not live up to their oath of neutrality.
b) The British settlers outnumbered the French settlers two to one.
c) The British assumed they could not trust the Acadians, because they were French.
d) Even though the Acadians had lived under British rule , they were unruly and were unable to live peacefully

was a leader of the Odawa Nation who organized an alliance of First Nations to oppose Britain’s takeover.
a) Pontiac
b) Noondam
c) Minweweh
d) Vaudreuil

Britain took control of Acadia through which treaty?
a) Treaty of Louisbourg
b) Treaty of Utrecht
c) Treaty of Royal Proclamation
d) Treaty of Paris

In 1755, the British required which oath from the Acadians?
a) oath of allegiance
b) oath of neutrality
c) oath of assimilation
d) oath of religious freedom

Cajun is a short way of saying
a) British
b) Acadian
c) Haudenosaunee
d) French

The Acadians built “digues,” which were
a) salt marshes
b) barriers to separate land from water
c) crops of wheat, oat, barley, corn, and hemp
d) crops of swamp grass used to feed horses, cows, and oxen

Which of the following is not part of the Québec Act, which was passed in 1774?
a) Québec had complete religious freedom to be either Catholic or Protestant.
b) The boundaries of Québec were extended beyond the proclamation line.
c) Canadiens could hold government positions without having to take an oath of loyalty.
d) French civil law was reinstated.

France eventually won the struggle to control all of North America.
a) True
b) False

Acadia formed part of the Mi’kmaq’s homeland.
a) True
b) False

By 1763, France claimed only a small portion of North America, what is now part of Newfoundland and the two islands of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon.
a) True
b) False

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