Washington To Jackson Part II Question Preview (ID: 58713)

Continuing Key Events From GW To Jackson. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

_________ established __________.
a) McCulloch v. Maryland; Judicial Review
b) Marbury v. Madison; Judicial Review
c) Gibbons v. Ogden; Judicial Review
d) Worcester v. Georgia; Judicial Review

McCulloch v. Maryland ruled that
a) states can't tax the fed government
b) the fed gov't controls interstate commerce
c) the Supreme Court decides what is Constitutional
d) the Cherokee did not have to give up their land

Gibbons v. Ogden ruled that
a) states can't tax the fed government
b) the fed gov't controls interstate commerce
c) the Supreme Court decides what is Constitutional
d) the Cherokee did not have to give up their land

Worcester v. Georgia ruled that
a) states can't tax the fed government
b) the Supreme Court decides what is Constitutional
c) the fed gov't controls interstate commerce
d) the Cherokee did not have to give up their land

What did the Missouri Compromise say?
a) Missouri as slave state; no slavery south of 49 degree line
b) Missouri as slave state; no slavery south of 36-30 line
c) Missouri as free state; no slavery north of 36-30 line
d) Missouri as slave state; no slavery north of 36-30 line

Eli Whitney's inventions...
a) increased the need for slaves in the South
b) led to the growth of factories in the North
c) Both of these are true
d) Neither of these are tru

Opened America's first textile mill based on stolen plans from Britain
a) Philip J. Fry
b) Rex Fremont
c) Francis Cabot Lowell
d) Samuel Slater

The Lowell Mills were originally staffed by
a) former slaves
b) young women
c) elves
d) sons of local farmers

The _______ hated the Tariff because they had little manufacturing of their own, and it increased prices.
a) South
b) North
c) British
d) Canadians

The American System, which linked the country economically and physically, was created by
a) Eli Whitney
b) Andrew Jackson
c) Henry Clay
d) Alexander Hamilton

The Erie Canal connected
a) the Columbia River and Pacific Ocean
b) the US and Canada
c) the Atlantic Ocean and the Great Lakes
d) the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

The 'corrupt bargain' was an alleged deal between
a) Madison and John Q. Adams
b) Monroe and John Q. Adams
c) Jackson and John Q. Adams
d) Clay and John Q. Adams

Jackson used ________more than all previous Presidents combined.
a) executive privilege
b) the veto
c) the military
d) the restroom

The practice of giving his supporters jobs was called Jackson's
a) Kitchen Cabinet
b) Grand Plan
c) Spoils System
d) Cult of domesticity

Jackson hated the _______and vetoed its renewal, causing a crisis!
a) Indian Removal Act
b) bank
c) Trail of Tears
d) Navy Bill

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