Washington To Jackson Part I Question Preview (ID: 58711)

American History Review For Washington To Jackson Admins. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

His 'doctrine' warned Europe not to interfere in Latin America.
a) Marbury
b) Marshall
c) Monroe
d) Madison

The time period after the War of 1812; no political parties, ruined by sectionalism and rise of Jackson
a) Best Years of Our Lives
b) Age of Feeling Great
c) Era of Good Feelings
d) Peaceful Period

Which is UNTRUE about the Battle of New Orleans?
a) Made Jackson very famous
b) Decided outcome of War of 1812
c) Brought a sense of American pride
d) American victory

This meeting in opposition to the War of 1812 pretty much ended the Federalist Party.
a) Ghent Negotiations
b) Hartford Convention
c) Lowell Meeting
d) First Continental Congress

________'s forces were defeated at Tippecanoe by William Henry Harrison.
a) Tecumseh
b) Pontiac
c) Sitting Bull
d) Britain

Considered Jefferson's biggest mistake as President, he tried to cut off US trade to end impressment
a) XYZ Affair
b) Embargo Act
c) Non-intercourse Act
d) Alien and Sedition Act

Which WAS NOT a cause of the War of 1812?
a) British arming Indians
b) Desire of US to help Napoleon
c) impressment
d) War hawks hoped to take land

The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions attempted to ______ the Alien and Sedition Acts.
a) promote
b) nullify
c) strengthen
d) expand

Which is NOT TRUE about the Louisiana Purchase?
a) explored by Lewis and Clark
b) purchased from Spain
c) doubled size of United States
d) Jefferson worried it was unconstitutional

The Alien and Sedition Acts limited
a) Jackson's Indian policy
b) the power of the Federal Government
c) states ability to tax
d) immigration and free speech

The XYZ Affair occurred when French officials
a) arrested a US diplomat
b) refused to meet with John Adams
c) accused Adams of aiding Britain
d) demanded a bribe

The election of 1800, where the White House changed parties for the 1st time, is called a_______
a) debacle
b) revolution
c) crisis
d) war

Federalists thought the American economy should be based on
a) NFT's
b) service
c) industry
d) farming

The Democratic Republicans believed in a ____________ interpretation of the Constitution.
a) democratic
b) laissez faire
c) strict
d) loose

Which correctly describes the first Two Party System?
a) Dem. Repubs (Jefferson) and Federalists (Hamilton)
b) Dem. Repubs (Hamilton) and Federalists (Jefferson)
c) Democrats (Jackson) and Whigs (Clay)
d) Democrats (Clay) and Whigs (Jackson)

Hamilton's economic plan included?
a) assumption of state debts
b) creation of a national bank
c) whiskey tax and tariff on imports
d) All of these

Jefferson felt that
a) the bank was unconstitutional
b) the Indians should be removed
c) the bank was a great idea
d) the Alien and Sedition Acts were fair

Which was NOT a precedent of George Washington?
a) neutral in foreign policy
b) two terms
c) often used veto
d) created cabinet

Washington said America should not create?
a) a standing military
b) a national anthem
c) a national bank
d) political parties

John Marshall's court consistently
a) was overruled by state laws
b) deadlocked at 3 votes each
c) ruled in favor of the states
d) strengthened the power of the federal gov't

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