Unit 4 Retake Preparation Question Preview (ID: 58706)

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Abolitionists who started a newspaper called the Liberator
a) Horace Mann
b) William Lloyd Garrison
c) Frederick Douglass
d) Sojourner Truth

Prominent abolitionists and women's rights activist. Born a slave. Unschooled.
a) Sojourner Truth
b) Harriet Tubman
c) Horace Mann
d) Susan B Anthony

11 Writers Margaret Fuller, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Henry David Thoreau were
a) slaves
b) utopians
c) revivalists
d) transcendentalism

10 What movement called for drinking little or no alcohol?
a) temperance
b) utopian communities
c) transcendentalism
d) reformers

8 Why is Harriet Tubman remembered as a heroic woman?
a) She was a Confederate spy
b) She led enslaved people to freedom
c) She was a Union nurse.

9 The most controversial issue at the Seneca Falls convention concerned
a) Education
b) slavery
c) jobs
d) suffrage

7 Known for its large camp meetings that led to extraordinary numbers of people to convert to Protestant Christianity, also its influence on the reform movements
a) Temperance
b) The 2nd Great Awakening
c) Compulsory Public Education

Born a slave and was an underground railroad conductor
a) Sojourner Truth
b) Harriet Tubman
c) Frederick Douglass
d) Horace Mann

William Lloyd Garrison, Harriet Tubman, and Harriet Beecher Stowe are best known for their efforts to
a) create free public schools
b) begin the temperance movement
c) expand the rights of women
d) oppose the practice of slavery

4 The leaders of the suffrage movement were:
a) Horace Mann and Sojourner Truth
b) Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcom X
c) Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton
d) Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Horace Mann

3 Horace Mann led what reform movement?
a) Prohibition
b) Women's Rights
c) Educational Reform
d) Civil Rights

2 What was the suffrage movement?
a) Ending the sale of alcohol
b) Reforming the educational system
c) Allowing women the right to vote
d) Ending of slavery

1 What was the abolition movement?
a) Ending the sale of alcohol
b) Ending of slavery
c) Allowing women the right to vote
d) Reforming the educational system

He was born into slavery and was a speaker and writer. Wrote an autobiography.
a) Frederick Douglass
b) Horace Mann
c) William Lloyd Garrison
d) Harriet Tubman

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