The Roaring 20s Question Preview (ID: 58678)

Vocabulary And Important Cultural Icons Of The Time Period. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Bringing electricity to homes and businesses
a) Flapper
b) Mechanization
c) Electrification
d) Prohibition

Suffrage amendment that gave women the right to vote
a) 18th Amendment
b) 19th Amendment
c) 20th Amendment
d) 21st Amendment

The movement that banned the manufacture, sale, and possession of alcoholic beverages
a) Prohibition
b) Inhibition
c) Bootleggers
d) Jazz Age

People who made their living transporting and selling liquor illegally
a) Prohibition
b) Flappers
c) Bootleggers
d) Speakeasies

A flowering of African-American artistic creativity during the 1920's centered in the Harlem community of New York City
a) Georgia Renaissance
b) Flowering Harlem
c) Harlem Renaissance
d) Harlem 1920's

Repealed (canceled) the Prohibition Amendment
a) 18th Amendment
b) 19th Amendment
c) 20th Amendment
d) 21st Amendment

Improved the automobile; changed the mechanization of car manufacturing with the use of the assembly line
a) Henry Ford
b) Thomas Edison
c) Alexander Graham Bell
d) Woodrow Wilson

A young woman who embraced the fashions and urban attitudes of the 1920's
a) Prohibition
b) Flapper
c) Jazz
d) Actresses

The use of machines to replace human and animal labor
a) Mechanization
b) Industrailization
c) Electrification
d) Prohibition

Prohibition Amendment that banned the manufacture, sale, and possession of alcoholic beverages
a) 18th Amendment
b) 19th Amendment
c) 20th Amendment
d) 21st Amendment

Used in car manufacturing; each worker stayed put and added a piece to each car as it moved past him
a) Wright Brothers
b) The Great Migration
c) Assembly Line
d) Henry Ford

Believed there was a link between building a bike and building a flying machine; invented the airplane
a) Wright Brothers
b) Henry Ford
c) Woodrow Wilson
d) Wrong Brothers

A new kind of music in the 1920's that captured the carefree spirit of the times
a) Rock 'n Roll
b) Rap
c) Jazz
d) Disco

Included gangsters and criminals who made a fortune controlling the liquor business (Example: Al Capone)
a) The Great Migration
b) Electrification
c) Organized Crime
d) Unorganized Crime

Products that saved time on tasks around the home; examples: electric cook-top stove, electric washing machine.
a) Bootleggers
b) Assembly Line
c) Labor-Saving Devices
d) Labor-Increasing Devices

Illegal nightclubs where people would go drink bootlegged alcohol illegally during Prohibition.
a) Prohibition
b) Wright Brothers
c) Flapper
d) Speakeasies

Due to the limitations on blacks in the South because of Jim Crow laws, many African Americans began to move in large numbers to cities outside the South
a) Prohibition
b) The Great Exodus
c) The Great Migration
d) Bootleggers

Another name for the Roaring Twenties
a) Soaring Twenties
b) Jazz Age
c) Disco Decade
d) Rock 'n Rock Age

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