Oceans And Hydrology Question Preview (ID: 58669)

Water Cycle, Ocean Floor, Ocean Characteristics. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which stage of the water cycle turns liquid water into gas (vapor) due to heating?
a) Condensation
b) Infiltration
c) Evaporation
d) Precipitation

Which stage of the water cycle occurs due to cooling?
a) Runoff
b) Groundwater
c) Condensation
d) Evaporation

What dissolved elements combine in the ocean to make salt?
a) sodium and chlorine
b) sodium and calcium
c) chlorine and sulfur
d) chlorine and calcium

Why is Great Britain's climate not as cold as northern Canada even though they have similar latitudes?
a) Great Britain is warmer due to the effects of the Gulf Stream current
b) Great Britain is warmer due to global warming
c) Great Britain has volcanoes that keep it warm
d) Great Britain is surrounded by a cold ocean current

If you mix saltwater and freshwater, what will happen?
a) The freshwater will sink below the saltwater
b) The saltwater will sink below the freshwater
c) The freshwater and saltwater will mix together
d) The freshwater will split into two parts and be on the top and bottom

Why is the coldest water found on the ocean floor?
a) Because cold water has a low density and sinks
b) Because cold water has a low density and floats
c) Because cold water seeps out from the ocean crust
d) Because cold water is very dense and sinks

Which stage of the water occurs when water vapor is released through plants?
a) Transportation
b) Translation
c) Transpiration
d) Transaction

What provides the source of energy for the water cycle?
a) the moon
b) plants on Earth
c) the ocean
d) the sun

Which ocean feature is NOT created by winds?
a) tides
b) small waves
c) surface currents
d) large waves

What force creates high and low tides?
a) waves
b) currents
c) wind
d) gravity

How are deep currents different from surface currents?
a) Deep currents are created by differences in density; surface currents are created by wind
b) Deep currents are created by wind; surface currents are created by differences in density
c) Deep currents are created by gravity; surface currents are created by wind
d) Deep currents are caused by earthquakes; surface currents are caused by the sun

Which water cycle term means water that soaks into the soil?
a) condensation
b) precipitation
c) evaporation
d) infiltration

Which ocean floor feature is an underwater volcanic mountain?
a) Volcanic Island
b) Seamount
c) Abyssal Plain
d) Ocean Trench

Which type of ocean pollution comes from many different sources which makes it impossible to determine where it came from?
a) Point source pollution
b) Nonpoint source pollution
c) Acid Rain
d) Trash dumping pollution

Which best explain why water conservation is so important?
a) Freshwater makes us 3% of water on the Earth and most of it is frozen in ice caps and glaciers
b) Freshwater makes up 97% of water on the Earth and most of it is found in oceans
c) Freshwater makes up 97% of water on the Earth and most of it is found in lakes and rivers
d) Freshwater makes up 3% of water on the Earth and most if it is found underground

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