The New Deal Question Preview (ID: 58664)

Great Depression New Deal. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What was the purpose of Social Security? (SSA)
a) to provide pensions for the aged and unemployment insurance
b) to give to work for young men who were unemployed
c) to establish a minimum wage for workers
d) to establish a 40 hour work week health benefits

The New Deal Programs were enacted by which president?
a) Theodore Roosevelt
b) Franklin D. Roosevelt
c) Herbert Hoover
d) Harry Truman

As part of the New Deal, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was created to
a) allow for a quick recovery of stock prices
b) protect individual investors from bank failure
c) provide direct loans to businesses
d) allow banks and companies to invest in the stock market

Everyone agreed with the New Deal
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe
d) Not sure

Passage of the Social Security Act (SSA) (1935) helped American workers by
a) creating jobs for the unemployed
b) legalizing the right to join labor unions
c) guaranteeing a minimum wage
d) providing financial assistance after retirement

This New Deal program insured checking and savings accounts.
a) Civilian Conservation Corps
b) Federal Deposits Insurance Corporation
c) Fair Labor Standards Act
d) Social Security Act

Which New Deal program employed young men to work on various projects to improve the country like improving parks?
a) Social Security Act
b) Rural Electrification Act
c) Fair labor Standards Act
d) Civilian Conservation Corps

Put 8.5 million people to work building roads, schools and improving government buildings are examples of which federal work program?
a) Agricultural Achievement Act
b) Works Progress Administration
c) Civilian Conservation Corp
d) Tennessee Valley Authority

What was not a goal of The New Deal?
a) Relief for jobless
b) Promote economic recovery
c) Preventing another depression
d) Providing money to big businesses

What was the Tennessee Vally Authority (TVA)
a) A program to help people find employment
b) A program to build dams and provide electricity to people around Tennessee
c) A program to help the banks insure people's money
d) A program that help the banks with loans

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