Vocabulary Toliver's Secret Chapters 1-9 Question Preview (ID: 58663)

Vocabulary From Chapters 1-9 Of Toliver's Secret. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Where might you find a hearth?
a) Hanging out with the other dinosaurs, like T-Rex
b) In a home
c) In a snuffbox
d) In a shoe

What's another word for Lobsterback?
a) British officer
b) Crabby
c) Horse shoe
d) Jamboard artistry

Being disrespectful; improperly forward or bold
a) breeches
b) roister
c) impudence
d) sprawl

To sit or lie with one’s limbs spread out
a) shrill
b) pester
c) spunky
d) sprawl

A high pitched sound
a) shrill
b) impudence
c) pester
d) roister

Who might wear breeches?
a) A young girl during the 1700's
b) A man during the 1700's
c) A ballerina performing on stage
d) A dog in a circus

Confusion resulting from failure to understand
a) amiss
b) roister
c) impudence
d) bewilderment

What does it mean if you roister about?
a) Celebrate noisily, making a racket
b) To be disloyal
c) To draw on a jamboard
d) To play with the dinosaurs

What does it mean if something is spindly
a) furry
b) long and lean
c) mean and rude
d) full of spikes and daggers

If food is scarce, it means
a) delicious
b) spicy
c) rotten
d) not enough

Knobbly, rough, and twisted, especially with age
a) shrill
b) scarce
c) pester
d) gnarled

Trouble or annoy someone with frequent or persistent requests or interruptions
a) stage coach
b) pester
c) rebel
d) spunky

Courageous and determined
a) gnarled
b) spunky
c) rebel
d) bewilderment

(Of cloth or clothes) old and torn
a) breeches
b) roister
c) bewilderment
d) ragged

A large closed horse-drawn vehicle formerly used to carry passengers and often mail along a regular route between two places
a) Stage coach
b) Roister
c) Pester
d) Sprawl

A person who rises in opposition or armed resistance against an established government or ruler
a) Rebel
b) Stage Coach
c) Gnarled
d) Ragged

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