ServSafe Review Question Preview (ID: 58660)

A Review Of ServSafe. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The three categories of food safety hazards are biological, physical and
a) temporal
b) practical
c) thermal
d) chemical

Three keys to food safety are practicing good personal hygiene, preventing cross-contamination, and
a) Toxic-metal leaching.
b) Time-temperature control
c) Pathogen measurement
d) Bacteria abatement.

According to the CDC, the five common causes for foodborne illnesses are failing to cook food adequately, holding food at incorrect temperatures, using contaminated equipment, practicing poor personal hygiene, and
a) Reheating leftover food
b) Using single-use disposable gloves
c) Purchasing food from unsafe sources
d) Serving ready-to-eat food

Foodborne pathogens grow well at temperatures
a) Below 41 degrees
b) 41-135 degrees
c) above 140
d) 1-40 degrees

A foodborne illness to be considered an “outbreak,” a minimum of how many people must experience the same illness after eatin
a) 1
b) 2
c) 10
d) 20

Which is an example of cross contamination?
a) Cutting raw vegetables with a clean chef's knife
b) Placing raw meats on a shelf below ready to eat food in the refrigerator
c) Preparing raw chicken and vegetables on the same cutting board
d) Using clean hands and work surfaces when preparing food

Within the Temperature Danger Zone, most harmful microorganisms:
a) Die
b) Produce toxin
c) Reproduce rapidly
d) Survive, but do not grow

To prevent food in a self-service area from becoming contaminated by guests an operation should
a) Ensure that guests use only one plate
b) Require food employees to monitor the self-service area
c) Post allergen information around the self-service area
d) List all of the ingredients in each menu item

Which is a physical hazard that could be introduced by improper facility design maintenance?
a) Rat traps in the take out containers
b) Earring in the chicken pot pie
c) Glass shards in the pasta salad on the buffet
d) Plastic wrap on a sandwich

How many seconds should the total handwashing process take?
a) 10
b) 15
c) 20
d) 30

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