Earthquake Review Question Preview (ID: 58651)

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Why do scientists try to find the epicenter of the earthquake?
a) To locate where the earthquake ended.
b) To locate where the rock that was under stress began to break or bend.
c) To predict where a future earthquake may occur.
d) To make a seismogram.

The machine that records the vibrations from an earthquake is called a
a) seismogram
b) epicenter
c) focus
d) seismograph

A strike -slip fault occurs at a _____________ boundary.
a) Transform
b) Divergent
c) Convergent
d) Reverse

A normal fault occurs at a ________ boundary.
a) Transform
b) Divergent
c) Convergent
d) Strike-Slip

The slowest moving wave that moves side to side is called
a) Primary (P) wave
b) Secondary (S) wave
c) Surface wave
d) Focus wave

Scientists use seismograph stations to locate the __________ to help predict future earthquakes.
a) focus
b) epicenter
c) magnitude
d) stress

Stress that pushes rock in opposite directions past each other is called
a) Compression
b) Tension
c) Shearing
d) Magnitude

A wave or series of waves produced by an earthquake or landslide is called a
a) Magnitude
b) Epicenter
c) Seismograph
d) Tsunami

Vibrations that move through the ground carrying the energy released during an earthquake are called
a) focus waves
b) seismic waves
c) compression
d) shearing

The seismic waves that travel along Earth's surface and produce the most severe damage are called
a) Primary (P) waves
b) Secondary (S) waves
c) Surface Waves
d) Focus Waves

The number that geologists give to describe the energy released in an earthquake is called the
a) focus
b) epicenter
c) seismograph
d) magnitude

S waves are also called
a) Surface Waves
b) Secondary Waves
c) Strike-Slip Waves
d) Sonic Waves

The type of seismic wave that arrives at the surface first by compressing and expanding the ground like an accordion is called
a) Primary (P) Waves
b) Secondary (S) Waves
c) Surface Waves
d) Focus Waves

A fault that is formed when compression causes the hanging wall to move over the footwall is called a
a) Normal Fault
b) Reverse Fault
c) Strike-slip fault
d) Abnormal

The block of rock that lies above a fault is called the
a) hanging wall
b) footwall
c) epicenter
d) focus

Shearing creates ________ faults, like the San Andreas Fault in California.
a) Normal
b) Reverse
c) Strike Slip
d) Abnormal

The stress that causes a mass of rock to pull apart in opposite directions is called
a) compression
b) shearing
c) tension
d) transforming

In a normal fault, the part of the fault that lies below the other part is called the
a) footwall
b) hanging wall
c) focus
d) epicenter

A force that acts on rock to change its shape or volume is called
a) an aftershock
b) stress
c) a fault
d) a seismogram

Which type of stress force produces a reverse fault?
a) tension
b) compression
c) shearing
d) transforming

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