European Native American Interactions Question Preview (ID: 58643)

European Native American Interactions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The Spanish did all of the following EXCEPT
a) Conquered and enslaved American Indians
b) Brought Christianity to the New World
c) Brought European diseases
d) Established trading posts

The French established trading because they got involved in the _______ industry.
a) fur
b) tobacco
c) weapon
d) gun

Like the Spanish, the French wanted to spread the _______ Religion with Native Americans.
a) Muslim
b) Christian
c) Hindu
d) Buddhist

The English established __________ in the New World
a) Trading Posts
b) Markets
c) Settlements
d) Churches

What did the English learn from the Native Americans?
a) How to make clothes
b) How to preserve food
c) How to build longhouses
d) farming techniques

The English often _________ with Native Americans, sometimes by force.
a) traded
b) invaded
c) fought
d) ate

Native Americans believed all of the following about land EXCEPT:
a) It is spiritual; they believed they were connected to it
b) It should be used by the community
c) Individuals could own it
d) The land should be taken care of

The Big Idea: The interaction between American Indians and Europeans sometimes led to cooperation and other times resulted in _______.
a) cooperation
b) conflict
c) peace
d) resolution

John Cabot explored _______ Canada.
a) eastern
b) western
c) northern
d) southern

Robert La Salle claimed the _____________.
a) Mexico
b) Canada
c) Arkansas
d) Mississippi River Valley

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