Project STEM Final Review Question Preview (ID: 58641)

CS Explorations 1 Unit 0-3. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of these words is an action that causes something else ot happen?
a) Initializing
b) Event
c) XY Coordinate Grid
d) Paralellism

Which of the following commands would move a sprite to the center of the stage?
a) go to x: 100 y:100
b) go to x: 100 y:-100
c) go to x: 0 y: 0

Which of the following blocks is usually used to initialize a program?
a) go to x:__ y:__
b) when green flag clicked
c) glide to x:__ y:__

Working with a diverse group of people is very important in Computer Science.
a) True
b) False

Which of the following blocks would be considered an EVENT?
a) move ___ steps
b) when I receive ___
c) next costume
d) turn ___ degrees

What do you call it when you reset a sprites location, costume, size, appearance, etc. at the beginning of a program?
a) sequence
b) paralellism
c) response
d) initialization

If you tell a sprite to repeat moving 5 steps 10 times, how many steps will the sprite take?
a) 5
b) 25
c) 50
d) 100

Which of the following words means a statement that evaluates to true or false?
a) repeat
b) conditional
c) pseudocode
d) debugging

The following is a conditional statement: If it is raining, then I will bring an umbrella to school.
a) True
b) False

What term means looking for and fixing errors in code?
a) Debugging
b) Initializing
c) Navigating
d) Repairing

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