Creation Of Israel Question Preview (ID: 58626)

This Is A Review For The Creation Of Israel. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why did many feel it was right to create the state of Israel after WWII?
a) Because Jews had just been through the Ottoman Invasion
b) Because Jews had just been through the bombing of Pearl Harbor
c) Because Jews had just been through the Holocaust
d) Because Jews had just been through the bombing of Hiroshima

Many people from this ethnic group/religious group moved to Israel after WWII.
a) Arabs
b) Kurds
c) Jews
d) Persians

What political party spread Anti-Semitism in Europe during WWII?
a) Republican Party
b) Democratic Party
c) Nazi Party
d) Just Dance Party

What ethnic group lives in Palestine?
a) Jews
b) Kurds
c) Persians
d) Arabs

During World War II, six million Jews were killed in what is called the _______ ?
a) Holocaust
b) Bombing of Pearl Harbor
c) Bombing of Nagasaki
d) Bombing of Hiroshima

What is the international movement for the establishment of a Jewish homeland known as?
a) Anti-Semitism
b) Holocaust
c) Nazism
d) Zionism

What caused millions of Palestinian Arabs to move to refugee camps?
a) Creation of Iraq
b) Creation of Iran
c) Creation of Israel
d) Creation of Italy

What year was Israel established?
a) 1928
b) 1948
c) 1968
d) 1988

What two countries are fighting over land today in Israel?
a) Jews and Catholics
b) Catholics and Arabs
c) Arabs and Jews
d) Arabs and Catholics

Which European country ruled over Palestine after the breakup of the Ottoman Empire?
a) Germany
b) US
c) France
d) Britain

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