Geography Question Preview (ID: 58606)

Chapter 7 Test Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What are geoglyphs?
a) large geometric or animal shaped earthen mounds
b) large geometric or animal shaped carvings on walls of temples
c) large geometric or animal shaped drawing on the ground
d) large geometric or animal shaped carvings in stone

What is a suspension bridge?
a) any bridge made of steel
b) a bridge used to support heavy traffic
c) a bridge used to cross canyons or water
d) a bridge made of stone for crossing rivers

What did the Treaty of Tordesillas accomplish?
a) It gave most of the newly discovered land in South America to Spain
b) It divided newly discovered land in South America between Spain and England.
c) It divided newly discovered land in South America between Spain and Portugal.
d) It gave most of the newly discovered land in South America to Portugal.

Why have geoglyphs created by the Nasca not eroded over time?
a) the arid climate and soil preserved them
b) the temperate climate and moist soil preserved them
c) the tropical climate and dry soil preserved them
d) the moist climate and dry soil preserved them

Who was Atahualpa?
a) a Spanish conquistador
b) an Incan emperor
c) a Spanish king
d) an Incan engineer and builder

What was the primary mission of the Spanish conquistadors?
a) to rule over the Incas
b) to spread Christianity among the native population
c) to expand Spain's territory and find valuable natural resources
d) to spread disease and enslave the native population

The Inca sacrificed children only on very important occasions.
a) True
b) False
c) n/a
d) n/a

Why were the Inca fighting a war when Francisco Pizarro arrived?
a) The emperor had died.
b) Two cousins wanted the empire for themselves.
c) slavery
d) all of the above

What are artifacts?
a) objects made by people of the past and left behind
b) the art of the Nasca and their patterns of movement
c) large, geometric designs and animal shapes
d) tools for excavating

What was a Spanish missionary's goal?
a) to conquer the Inca
b) to control all the gold
c) to convert the Inca to Christianity
d) to enslave the inca

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