Global Studies Unit 4 Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 58602)

Classical Greece And The Roman Empire - 4.3, 4.4 4.5. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following areas were NOT areas of Greek achievement
a) Medicine
b) Geometry
c) Philosophy and Literature
d) Agriculture

Rome made advanced developments to improve health by
a) Building advanced sewers and aqueducts
b) Looking at medicine for the causes of disease
c) Building temples to ask their gods for good health
d) Building huge theaters and amphitheaters to perform plays and entertain people

Which of these was NOT one of the final pieces in the fall of the Western Roman Empire
a) Odoacer overthrows the empire declares himself king of Italy
b) The Empire loses control over much of its land in Africa and Western Europe
c) The murder of Julius Caesar on the floor of the Senate
d) Germanic invaders attacks on the border and eventually the city of Rome

The first emperor of the Roman Empire was
a) Augustus Caesar
b) Julius Caesar
c) Pompey
d) Odoacer

In the Roman Republic, most of the power for passing laws was with the
a) Senators
b) Tribunes
c) Consuls
d) Caesars

One of the lasting cultural creations of Rome was
a) The creation of Judaism
b) The creation of the Latin language
c) The writing of the Iliad and the Odyssey
d) The creation of the libraries of Alexandria

The reign of Augustus started 200 years called Pax Romana because it led to
a) peace, the end of slavery, and growth
b) prosperity, wisdom, and peace
c) peace, growth, and prosperity
d) peace, growth and free education for all Romans

In Rome, the wealthy noble class at the top were the
a) Patricians
b) Plebians
c) Equites
d) Women

One of the key cultures the Romans drew from and helped preserve was the
a) Persian
b) Early Chinese
c) Gupta
d) Greek

Part of what made Alexander so popular in the regions he conquered was
a) He required no taxes
b) He respected local traditions and customs
c) He brought democracy from Athens
d) He bribed people to like him

One of the main accomplishments of Alexander's conquests were
a) He brought foreign powers together to build a large army to fight together
b) He finally ended the caste system in northeastern India for a time
c) He built roads and bridges to help trade on the Silk Road
d) He spread Greek culture throughout the areas he conquered

One of the key differences between Athens and Sparta was
a) Sparta developed democracy, Athens was ruled by the military
b) Athens had a king rule, Sparta let religious leaders rule
c) Athens had more democracy, Sparta had a strong government with total power
d) There was no difference, both held the same beliefs

Because of its geography, the Greeks developed into:
a) One unified kingdom
b) Several individual city-states
c) An empire that relied upon ships
d) The largest land-based empire in history

Common people in Rome were called
a) Patricians
b) Plebians
c) Equites
d) Slaves

The popular general who became dictator of Rome and gained power over the Senate
a) Augustus Caesar
b) Julius Caesar
c) Pompey
d) Odoacer

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