American History Chapter 3 Test Question Preview (ID: 58595)

Colonial America. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A Pilgrim colony
a) Plymouth
b) House of Burgesses
c) New Anglicans
d) Separatists

Protestants who left the Anglican Church, and established their own churches were called
a) Anglicans
b) New Anglicans
c) Puritans
d) Separatists

What did groups of merchants obtain from the British king in order to start settlements in America?
a) compacts
b) charters
c) pledges
d) stocks

Jamestown colonists made a profit for their investors by raising
a) cotton
b) maize
c) tobacco
d) wheat

Who was Nathaniel Bacon mad at for making a pledge with the Natives?
a) Thomas Hooker
b) Sir William Berkeley
c) King Charles I
d) Slaves

Why did the settlers from Roanoke vanish?
a) aliens
b) natives
c) it is a mystery
d) disease

The Massachusetts Bay Company was granted a charter to establish a colony north of
a) Boston
b) Mayflower
c) Plymouth
d) Rhode Island

Pacifists are people who
a) refuse to fight in wars
b) sail in the Pacific Ocean
c) serve in government offices
d) explore new territories

What does the name Pocahontas mean
a) Mean One
b) Playful One
c) Wise One
d) Beautiful One

What sort of principles guided the creation of the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, and the Mayflower Compact?
a) Communist
b) Separatist
c) Democratic
d) social

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