Chapter 7 Question Preview (ID: 58590)

Chapter 7. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Both state governments and the federal government can
a) regulate trade within states.
b) print money
c) build roads
d) conduct relations with foreign countries

In a debate over the Constitution, Federalists favored
a) a bill of rights
b) an end to taxation
c) a strong national government
d) strong state governments

Some people opposed the Constitution because they believed that it
a) gave the President too much power.
b) gave the states too much power.
c) made the people pay taxes that were too high.
d) did not provide adequate representation for the people.

The framers of the Constitution feared that voters would not be able to make wise choices for President, so they set up the
a) electoral college
b) impeachment provision
c) federal system
d) veto power

In order to prevent any branch of government from gaining too much power, the Constitution creates a system of
a) vetoes
b) checks and balances
c) impeachment
d) Federalism

Which of the following was in both the Virginia and the New Jersey Plan?
a) three branches of governement
b) representation determined by population
c) a one house legislature
d) slaves counted as part of the population

Delegates to the Constitutional Convention decided to keep their talks secret
a) wanted to keep the American people from seeing their leaders weaknesses.
b) wanted to be able to explore every issue without pressure.
c) feared the work of the British spies.
d) knew that many of their decisions would be highly unpopular.

Small states objected to the Virginia Plan because they
a) feared that the debate would destroy the convention.
b) objected to counting slaves in the South.
c) believed that each state should not have one vote.
d) feared that large states would outvote them.

Shay's rebellion was important because it showed Americans that
a) British influence was still strong.
b) the Articles of Confederation were not working.
c) Massachusetts had an efficient state government.
d) soldiers were reluctant to arrest citizens.

One reason that American wanted a written constitution was to
a) limit the power of individual citizens.
b) reduce the number of people who could vote.
c) limit the power of government.
d) expand the rights of slaves and free blacks.

Agreement of delegates to the Constitution Convention that three-fifths of the slaves in any state be counted in population.
a) Great Compromise
b) Three-Fifths Compromise
c) Great Compromise
d) Republic

A law that set up a system for settling the Northwest Territory.
a) Northwest Ordinance
b) Three-Fifths Compromise
c) Constitution
d) Land Ordinance of 1785

A law that set up a government for the Northwest Territory and provided a way for new states to join the United States.
a) Northwest Ordinace
b) Land Ordinance of 1785
c) Great Compromise
d) Three-Fifths Compromise

The Constitution can be changed through the process of
a) Amendment
b) Override
c) Consul
d) Gerrymandering

First government of the United States
a) Constitution
b) Articles of Confederation
c) Cabinet
d) Monarchy

Called for a House of Representatives and a Senate.
a) Three Fifths Compromise
b) Northwest Ordinance
c) Great Compromise
d) Land Ordinance of 1785

A division of power between the states and the national government.
a) U.S. Commission of Rights
b) Statutory Laws
c) Government
d) Federalism

A part of a government that carries out the laws.
a) Congress
b) Judicial Branch
c) Executive Branch
d) Legislative Bracnh

A document that sets out the laws and principles of a government
a) Bill of Rights
b) Constitution
c) Executive Branch
d) Federalism

A document that lists the freedoms the government promises to protect.
a) Bill of Rights
b) Executive Branch
c) Federalism
d) Override

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