Wild Animals As Pets Question Preview (ID: 58570)

Review The Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) from a far away place or unusual
b) to tame as a pet or use a farm produce
c) natural behavior
d) the condition of being confined to a specific area or imprisoned

a) from a far away place or unusual
b) to tame as a pet or use a farm produce
c) natural behavior
d) the condition of being confined to a specific area or imprisoned

a) from a far away place or unusual
b) to tame as a pet or use a farm produce
c) natural behavior
d) the condition of being confined to a specific area or imprisoned

a) from a far away place or unusual
b) to tame as a pet or use a farm produce
c) natural behavior
d) not appropriate, fit, or usuable

a) from a far away place or unusual
b) to tame as a pet or use a farm produce
c) natural behavior
d) the condition of being confined to a specific area or imprisoned

If Tony went to his job interview in his swimming trunks, his clothing was _________.
a) domesticated
b) exotic
c) unsuitable
d) captive

When I am in an elevator, I feel like am in __________.
a) captivity
b) domesticated
c) exotic
d) unsuitable

Bobby has a pet he had to special order from South Africa. What kind of pet does he have?
a) unsuitable
b) exotic
c) captive
d) instinctive

It took dogs and cats thousands of years to become _________.
a) captive
b) exotic
c) unsuitable
d) domesticated

When a dog barks at the squirrel running in the yard, he is acting on his __________ nature.
a) instinctive
b) domestic
c) captive
d) unsuitable

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