Ancient Rome Test Review Question Preview (ID: 58565)

Geography Of Italy, Roman Republic, Achievements And Decline. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Famous Roman piece of Architecture with columns and a large Dome.
a) Colosseum
b) Pantheon
c) Parthenon
d) Aqueduct

Written code of laws
a) publication
b) persecution
c) civil law
d) scroll

Rome was in an excellent spot for trade.
a) True
b) False

Which was NOT a characteristic the United States government borrowed from ancient Rome?
a) A dictator could be in charge for only 6 months in times of emergency.
b) Three Branches of government divide power.
c) Veto allows people in government to reject laws and actions of other officials .
d) Citizens elect representatives to government.

Which is NOT a way Romans tried to prevent one person or group from becoming too powerful
a) Short terms for consuls (one year)
b) The power of veto given to groups making laws
c) Having citizens elect a president
d) Creating separate branches of government with overlapping powers

The Italain peninsula extended into the
a) Mediterranean Sea
b) Italian Sea
c) Sea of Crete
d) Indian Ocean

The Alps and Apennines were
a) Long rivers that ran through Italy
b) The tribes that unite to become Romans
c) Islands off the coast of Italy
d) Mountain ranges running across parts of Italy

In a Republic
a) all citizens vote directly on each issue
b) a small group of people determine laws and policies
c) one ruler determines the laws
d) citizens elect representatives to make laws

Code of laws posted publicly and applied to all citizens, meant to keep plebeians from being angry.
a) Law of Twelve tables
b) Constitution of Rome
c) Plebeian Documentation
d) Roman List

Large paintings on walls of houses were called murals, but the small tiles and glass pieced together to form pictures were called
a) frescoes
b) montage
c) mosaics
d) satire

Roman achievement responsible for helping spread Christianity
a) newpapers
b) aqueducts
c) roads
d) vaults

Fresh water brought from these structures helped with health and sanitation in Roman cities
a) aqueducts
b) river beds
c) drinking banks
d) vaults

Romans perfected this type of comedy writing which made fun of famous and political people or situations
a) drama
b) epics
c) lyrics
d) satire

Romance languages like Spanish and French have a base in the Roman Language of
a) Greek
b) Latin
c) Italian
d) Romanian

Persecution and martyr have what in common
a) deal with laws passed by Romans
b) deal with the treatment of kings
c) deal with the life of early Christians
d) deal with invading Germanic tribes

Christianity becomes the official religion of the Roman Empire.
a) True, it happens immediately after the death of Jesus
b) True, but it takes over a hundred years
c) False

Germanic invasions, corruption and civil war
a) describe reasons for the decline of the Roman Empire
b) describe reasons for the decline in Christianity
c) describe reasons for the increase of land for the Roman Empire
d) describe reasons for the persecution of Christians

Diocleatian trys to solve the issue of governing the large Roman Empire by
a) Increasing the number of local government officials
b) Dividing the Empire in three
c) Increasing the size of the Roman army
d) Dividing the Empire in two

The capital of the Roman Empire in 330CE
a) Rome
b) Constantinople
c) Petersburg
d) Paris

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