Water Cycle Processes Question Preview (ID: 58559)

5th Grade Science Water Cycle Processes - Use This To Practice And Learn! :). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What causes water in an ocean to turn into water vapor and rise up into the sky?
a) condensation
b) precipitation
c) evaporation
d) runoff

Yesterday it rained. Why is the sidewalk and street now dry?
a) All of the water on the ground condensed.
b) All of the water on the ground evaporated, sunk into the ground, or ran off into a stream or gutter.
c) All of the water precipitated.
d) All of these answers are correct.

What is evaporation?
a) Evaporation is when rain falls from the sky.
b) Evaporation is when clouds form in the sky.
c) Evaporation is when there is water on the ground.
d) Evaporation is when water is heated and turns into a water vapor.

There are four cities. Which city would have the most evaporation?
a) City A is by a river and the temperature is 70*F.
b) City B is by a lake and the temperature is 60*F.
c) City C is not near any water and the temperature is 85*F.
d) City D is by an ocean and the temperature is 80*F.

If you wash your hair and let it air dry, what happens to the water that was on your hair?
a) The water condenses.
b) The water evaporates.
c) The water precipitates.
d) The water first condenses, then precipitates.

When water evaporates, this forms:
a) rain
b) snow
c) liquid droplets
d) water vapor

After water evaporates and rises into the air as water vapor, what happens when it becomes cold?
a) It falls as rain, snow, or hail.
b) It turns into water droplets that make up a cloud.
c) It returns to the ground.
d) Once it becomes water vapor, it stays water vapor forever.

Condensation is when:
a) water vapor becomes cold and turns back into liquid water
b) water vapor becomes hotter and spreads out
c) when water falls to the ground
d) when water in a stream runs into a river

Which of the following is an example of condensation?
a) Your shoes are wet from puddle jumping, and you let them air dry!
b) You can see your breath on a cold winter morning - it's like a small cloud!
c) You see a river that flows into a lake.
d) You see snow falling from the sky.

Some mornings you can see fog. How does fog form?
a) Fog forms when there is light rain.
b) Fog forms when the air near the ground is cold and water vapor turns into liquid droplets, making it cloudy near the ground.
c) Fog forms after a rain when water is evaporating quickly back into the sky.
d) Fog forms when a cloud becomes too heavy.

Condensation happens when water vapor:
a) becomes cold
b) becomes warm
c) becomes heavy

Why do most cloud form high up in the sky?
a) There is only water vapor high up in the sky.
b) The temperature high up in the sky is much warmer than on the ground.
c) The temperature high up in the sky is much colder than on the ground.

After evaporation and condensation, the next step is when rain falls. This step is called:
a) runoff
b) precipitation
c) sedimentation
d) photosynthesis

Precipitation is when:
a) rain, snow or hail fall from a cloud
b) water turns into water vapor
c) water vapor turns back into a liquid
d) water is found on the ground

In order for it to rain, first evaporation happens. Then __________, and then precipitation. What step is missing?
a) evaporation
b) condensation
c) precipitation
d) runoff

What causes rain to fall from a cloud?
a) When the water droplets in the cloud join together and become too heavy, so they fall.
b) When there is lightning which changes clouds.
c) When there is thunder in the sky.
d) When the air near the ground is very warm.

Which is the correct order of the water cycle?
a) condensation, precipitation, evaporation, runoff
b) precipitation, evaporation, runoff, condensation
c) evaporation, condensation, runoff, precipitation
d) evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff

A puddle shrinks in the sun. Where does the water go and why?
a) The water condenses into the sky.
b) The water evaporates into the sky.
c) The water evaporates into a cloud.

Clouds are most likely to form _______ because that is where the air is ______.
a) high in the sky, coldest
b) high in the sky, warmest
c) low to the ground, coldest
d) low to the ground, warmest

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