World History - Americas (3) Question Preview (ID: 58553)

Planting English America. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What factors led England to begin colonization?
a) Religion, economics, strategic interest
b) land, gold, tobacco
c) trade with the Indians
d) trade with the French

Explain the joint-stock company
a) colonizing organization funded by stock holders
b) organization owned by the King
c) company made of joint countries
d) company used to raid Spanish treasure ships

What are the “three D’s” as related to the American Indians?
a) disease, disorganization, disposibility
b) disuse, distrust, disorganization
c) dirty, despicable, disillusioned
d) details, disarray, disheveled

What effects did tobacco have on the colony of Jamestown?
a) made it prosperous
b) increased the number of cancer patients
c) led to emphysema
d) There was no affect

What is the House of Burgess?
a) first representative government in the New World
b) coffee house
c) land owners
d) aristocratic group that governed the colonies

What is the Toleration Act of 1649?
a) Religious tolerance for Catholics
b) Religious tolerance for Mormons
c) Religious tolerance for Jews
d) Religious tolerance for Baptists

How was Carolina able to prosper?
a) supplied food (rice) to the sugar islands
b) provided slaves
c) gold
d) trade with the Indians

Why was Georgia considered a “buffer state”
a) Bordered between Spanish and English America
b) It was shiny
c) Border between French and English America
d) Border between Spanish and French America

What did American Indians want from Colonists
a) Metal tools, firearms
b) Fire
c) Food
d) Religious freedom

Why were there growing tensions between the Indians and colonists?
a) Colonists keep taking Indian lands
b) The colonists wouldn't give them guns
c) The colonist took there food
d) Colonists and Indians generally got along

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