World History - Americas (1) Question Preview (ID: 58551)

Earliest Natives. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the origin of the term “Paleo”?
a) From palaios; from “ancient” in Greek
b) From pale; as in pale skin
c) From palace; as in lived in palaces
d) From plaza; as in cities had a central plaza

How did an excess food supply impact Paleo culture?
a) permenant settlements
b) job specialization
c) civilization
d) All

Define “civilization”.
a) complex culture centered around cities
b) society that is civil and w/o war
c) civilian; no armies
d) service; civil service

Who were the Olmecs?
a) mother culture
b) group that developed in South America
c) build pueblo style homes
d) homogenous culture

Where did the Mayan civilization develop?
a) what is today, Guatemala
b) what is today, Texas
c) what is today, Alaska
d) what is today, Argentina

Where did the Teotihuacán develop?
a) Valley of Mexico
b) Antartica
c) South America
d) Canada

What are some of the tribes that lived in what is now the United States?
a) Hohokam, Anasazi, Hopewell
b) Aztecs, Incans, Mayans
c) Mongule, Hindu, Kush
d) Hutu, Tutsi, Mesi

What were the “three sisters” of agriculture?
a) beans, corn, squash
b) hemp, poppy, tobacco
c) greens, peas, cotton
d) Mia, Tia, Cia

What types of homes/cities did the Anasazi build?
a) Pueblos
b) Teepees
c) Lodge homes
d) Igloos

What is a distinguishing feature of Mississippian culture?
a) Flat topped mounds
b) Igloos
c) Lodges
d) Metal canoes

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