Minnesota Studies Chapter 6 Question Preview (ID: 58550)

The Land Changes Hands. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What was the result of the Supreme Court case Minnesota v Mille Lacs Band Chippewa
a) The Ojibwe got all their land back
b) The Ojibwe were paid all the money owed to them
c) The Objibwe won the right to build a casino
d) The Ojibwe could hunt and fish in their traditional ways

How were the Dakota cheated by the treaties of Traverse des Sioux and Mendota?
a) They only received payments for one year
b) The US changed them to temporary reservations and most of their 1st cash payment went to fur traders
c) They were not allowed to farm on the land they were given
d) They were relocated to Oklahoma

Lands set aside for the Dakota by treaty were called
a) Reservations
b) Territories
c) Wigwams
d) Preservations

The individual first sent to negotiate the treaty with the Dakota in MN by the US was:
a) Alexander Ramsey
b) Lawrence Taliaferri
c) Zebulon Pike
d) Henry Sibley

Treaties needed to be ratified by
a) The US House of Representatives
b) The States
c) The Senate
d) The President

The first treaty the Dakota signed giving up their land in Minnesota was
a) Treaty of Traverse de Sioux
b) The Treaty of Mendota
c) The Mille Lacs Treaty
d) The Ramsey Treaty

In return for their land, the US governent promised the Dakota
a) 40 acres and a mule
b) $50,000 for each Dakota
c) Cash, annuities for 50 years and a reservation
d) Nothing

Some Dakota chose to sign the Treaty of Traverse de Sioux because:
a) They received a good deal
b) They feared they would lose the land anyway to the US
c) They wanted protection from the Ojibwe
d) It was the best way to defend themselves from hostile settlers

What fort did the US build to protect US interests in the fur trade and keep peace between the Dakota and Ojibwe?
a) Ramsey
b) Snelling
c) Sibley
d) Dakota

The reasons the US wanted Dakota lands were
a) To build more fur trade posts
b) To sell to the British
c) To create a reservation for the Dakota
d) To open the land for more settlers

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