Thermal Energy Review Question Preview (ID: 58537)

Thermal Energy Review For Post Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What happens to molecules in a computer when the temperature of the computer decreases?
a) the energy of the molecules in the computer decreases
b) the energy of the molecules in the computer increases
c) the cold energy of the molecules in the computer increases
d) the computer loses heat molecules

If one object has a temperature of 50C and another is 100C, what is the average if both objects are pushed together?
a) 25C
b) 50C
c) 75C
d) 100C

What does equilibrium mean?
a) a state in which an object is not in balance
b) a state in which molecules in an object don't move
c) a state in which an object is in balance
d) a state in which molecules phase change from liquid to gas.

What happens if more energy is added to an object in the ground?
a) more molecules combine with the molecules in the ground
b) The energy of the molecules in the ground increases
c) the cold energy of the molecules in the ground decreases
d) the energy of the molecules in the ground decreases

What unit of measurement is energy measured in?
a) kelvin
b) Celsius
c) fahrenheit
d) joules

When an object is hot, the molecules move.....
a) closer together slowly
b) further from each other quickly
c) closer together quickly
d) do not move at all

When molecules/particles have less energy how do they move?
a) move faster
b) move slower
c) never move
d) move some, then stop

When molecules/particles have more energy how do they move?
a) move faster
b) move slower
c) never move
d) move some, then stop

How can you find the average kinetic energy of two different objects touching?
a) Add all of the energy in both object together
b) add all of the energy in both object together and always divide by 10
c) add all of the energy in both objects together and divide by number of total molecules
d) add all of the energy in both objects together and always multiply by 10

Heat is transferred from one particle of matter to another through direct contact.
a) radiation
b) conduction
c) convection
d) light

If the temperature outside of a house is higher than inside the house, which direction would energy want to travel?
a) outside of the house to inside
b) inside of the house to outside
c) no movement, because at equilibrium
d) movement in both directions

The total energy of all particles in an object is
a) thermal energy / kinetic energy
b) temperature
c) degrees
d) particle motion

The faster the molecules in an object the ______ energy it has
a) equal amount
b) lower
c) higher
d) can not determine

The movement of energy will always move from ______ energy to _____ energy.
a) equal, high
b) equal, low
c) low, high
d) high, low

What is the direction thermal energy will transfer?
a) thermal energy will naturally always transfer from low energy to high energy
b) Thermal energy will naturally always transfer from high energy to low energy.
c) thermal energy will naturally always transfer in an upward direction
d) thermal energy will naturally always transfer in an downward direction

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