Avid Tutorial Question Preview (ID: 58535)

You Will Be Given A Step Number And Have To Match It With What You Are Supposed To Be Doing In That Step. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) Divide into groups
b) Identify Initial question
c) Study the problem
d) Give a 60 second speech

a) Apply skills in learning
b) Engage in academic conversation
c) Summarize and reflect
d) Complete the TRF and identify point of confusion

a) Divide into groups with one tutor and prepare for the tutorial
b) Give 60 second speech
c) Identify initial question
d) Apply skills learned

a) Check presenters understanding
b) Engage in academic conversation
c) Give a 60 second speech ending with the point of confusion
d) Complete the TRF form

a) Engage in academic conversation
b) Apply skills learned
c) Identify initial question
d) Give 60 second speech

a) Engage in academic conversation
b) Divide into groups
c) Summarize and reflect
d) Check the presenters understanding

a) Student presenter gives 60 second speech sharing resolution of their poc
b) Summarize and reflect
c) Divide into groups
d) Assign who the student presenter will be

a) Identify initial question
b) Students repeat steps 4-7 with the next presenter
c) Divide into groups
d) Summarize and reflect

a) Apply skills and learning in class
b) Complete the TRF form
c) Engage in academic conversation
d) Summarize and reflect on the tutorial process

a) Apply skills and learning in your classes
b) Give another 60 second speech
c) Identify initial question
d) Repeat steps 4-7 with the next presenter

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