Endocrine Speedway Question Preview (ID: 58472)

A Fun Way To Learn About The Endocrine System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which statement describes a function of the hormone estrogen?
a) It regulates the secretion of digestive enzymes.
b) It promotes sperm production in males.
c) It influences the development of adult sex characteristics.
d) It maintains blood sugar levels.

How do cells in the ovary detect a hormone from the brain?
a) The brain sends a nerve impulse to the ovary.
b) White blood cells bring the hormone to the ovary.
c) Receptor molecules on the cells of the ovary bind with the hormone.
d) Vacuoles within the ovary bind with the hormone.

Pregnancy, which is characteristically associated with changes in hormone levels in the body is a process tightly regulated by:
a) the endocrine and nervous system
b) the reproductive system
c) the circulatory and respiratory system
d) the digestive system

One important job for the body is to maintain an equilibrium between bone formation and break-down. This process is probably regulated by the:
a) circulatory system
b) endocrine system
c) reproductive system
d) excretory system

Insulin is a molecule, produced by the endocrine system, which regulates sugar concentration in the blood. Most likely, insulin is a:
a) sugar
b) hormone
c) DNA
d) cell

The ability of estrogen to affect certain cells depends directly on:
a) amino acids
b) receptor molecules
c) gametes
d) nerve cell

Which hormone does not directly regulate human reproductive cycles?
a) testosterone
b) insulin
c) estrogen
d) progesterone

Gland A releases a hormone that causes ovaries to release estrogen. Gland A is most likely the:
a) testis
b) pituitary
c) thyroid
d) ovary

A very high level of calcium in the blood suggests a malfunction of the:
a) parathyroid
b) liver
c) pancreas
d) large intestine

After a hormone enters the bloodstream, it is transported throughout the body, but the hormone affects only certain cells. The reason only certain cells are affected is that these cells have specific:
a) antibodies
b) tissues
c) neurons
d) receptors

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