REVIEW G.U4L3-Climate Change Question Preview (ID: 58471)

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Which of these is an example of a human activity that causes climate change?
a) increasing ash particles from volcanoes
b) using alternative energy sources
c) removing greenhouse gases
d) burning fossil fuels

Which gas in Earth’s atmosphere acts like a greenhouse (traps in heat)?
a) carbon dioxide
b) argon
c) oxygen
d) nitrogen

Which EVIDENCE is not currently considered to be caused by global climate change?
a) more severe tropical storms
b) reduction in Arctic sea ice
c) increased precipitation worldwide
d) rising sea levels

Which activity would reduce human sources of greenhouse gases?
a) using wind energy to generate electricity
b) increasing the size of livestock herds
c) monitoring worldwide volcanic activity
d) researching ways to add methane to the atmosphere

As greenhouse gases increase, which of these processes occurs and allows more heat to be trapped?
a) Ash particles in the air block sunlight.
b) Increased infrared radiation is absorbed.
c) Solar radiation is reflected into space.
d) Decreased water vapor causes less cooling of the air.

Based on increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which of these environmental phenomena has likely increased since 1960?
a) greenhouse effect
b) land erosion
c) coastal erosion
d) ozone depletion

Which CLAIM suits a linear graph with positive slope, for atmospheric CO2 from 1960-2010?
a) Climate change is a natural process.
b) All climate change is caused by humans.
c) The levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have been decreasing since the 1960s.
d) The levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have been increasing since the 1960s.

What is climate?
a) Weather describes the current conditions of the atmosphere.
b) Earth’s average surface temperature (61 °F) is a combination of the sea surface and air temperature.
c) Climate describes the average or typical weather conditions season by season over a long period.
d) Amount of overcast on a given day.

Which one is NOT considered a greenhouse gas (a gas that absorbs and emits radiant energy)?
a) oxygen
b) carbon dioxide
c) methane
d) water vapor

Which is NOT considered an example of global climate data?
a) Scratches on rocks caused by a slow-moving glacier
b) Number of hummingbirds and butterflies migrating yearly
c) Different widths of tree rings indicating when the tree grew faster or slower
d) Ice cores taken from ice sheets containing gases trapped in tiny bubbles

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